
WasteSorted Schools

Dalmain Primary School is an accredited Waste Sorted school. Waste Sorted schools throughout Western Australia are reducing waste by implementing the 3R’s; reduce, reuse, recycle –  while developing positive environment values in students and the whole school community.

Waste Sorted schools model responsible environmental behaviours and  practices through hands-on learning experiences that are linked to the Western Australian Curriculum.

Waste Wise programs at Dalmain include;

    • Compost
    • Worm farm
    • Litter collection and monitoring
    • Paper recycling
    • Garden maintenance
    • Nude food Tuesday’s
    • Garden Grub Club

In 2015 the ‘DUG’ (Dalmain Urban Garden) was set up by Brett Cowey and a team of volunteers.

When the ‘DUG’ garden produce is ready for harvest the produce is sold at  assemblies, used by classes or included on the canteen menu.

All money raised is put straight back into keeping the Urban Garden great.

Waterwise School

Dalmain Primary School has been involved in this initiative for more that 10 years. During this time the school has been actively involved in a number of water saving strategies that we hope our students and the community will embrace.

These include the following;

    • Classroom focus on learning about water – where we source water from and why it is a resource that we need to look after.
    • Water saving strategies implemented around the our school.
    • Installation of fountain taps that turn off automatically.
    • Planting of native gardens around the school.
    • Use of mulch in garden beds.
    • Students reporting water leaks to the school office.
    • Compliments Waste Sorted initiative also undertaken at Dalmain.