Dalmain Primary School P&C

The Parent and Citizens Association (P&C) plays a vital role with the raising of funds and provide additional support to student centered programs.

A number of sub-committees operate as part of the P&C and include the Canteen and Fundraising.

All parents are welcome to become voting members of the P&C on payment of an annual membership fee (gold coin).

Meetings are usually held each month in the staff room. The Annual General Meeting of the P&C is held at the beginning of term one. The dates of all general meetings are advertised in the school newsletter.

P&C Sundowner

Our Purpose

Dalmain Primary School P&C aim to support the school to enhance the educational experience of students through opportunities and facilities.

We believe the P&C strengthens connections in the Dalmain community including parents, students, school staff and the wider community.


School Disco
Outdoor Picnic Tables


The P&C provides support for the successful running of the school canteen - Dalmain Delights Cafe.


The P&C run many fundraising events throughout the year including:
Quiz nights, sundowners, discos, raffles, cake stalls, sausage sizzles and the annual Lap-a-thon


Dalmain's P&C support the school with many projects such as:
Maintaining the DUG, the Toilet Project, Outdoor Picnic Tables