Kindy to Year 6
Approximately 280 students from Kindergarten to Year 6.
Dalmain staff
Approximately 35 staff:
2 administration staff, 21 teaching staff and 12 allied professionals.
Specialist Programs
5 specialist programs including; Japanese, Visual Arts, Music, Science and Physical Education.
Before & After School Care
Everyone working towards achieving their potential; showing respect for themselves and others; having social, civic and environmental responsibility and taking pride in their school.
We are all proud of Our School. Schools are focal points for, and an integral part of, a community. Parents have many reasons to feel proud of our school and share in its achievements.
A school represents more than buildings on a site. It is part of the tradition of a community. In our case, this tradition is being established daily, in the classroom, at school assemblies, on school camps, on sports fields and on performance stages. Our present students do much to uphold our already
established traditions. We are a microcosm of our community and take pride in upholding the community’s values.
The school acknowledges that the home and community is the child’s primary learning environment. The school’s role is to build on that early learning by providing the student with an appropriate, safe environment in which they can extend and refine their social, emotional, physical and intellectual skills and knowledge.
Today we also find that media, technology and the internet are impacting on student learning. It is difficult to unravel the impact each of these entities is having on children’s education. What is important is that the school and parents view children’s education as a partnership requiring a high degree of co-operation and communication between the home and the school. We need to be aware of each other’s goals and work harmoniously to achieve these goals.
At our school there are deemed to be four levels of involvement for parents, these are –
- THE INTEREST LEVEL: Parents should endeavour to develop an interest by – reading school communications, visiting the school, meeting with teachers, attending school meetings and attending interviews.
- THE CLASSROOM LEVEL: Parents should endeavour to assist – with group activities, in the school library, with sport, excursions and electives if possible.
- THE SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT LEVEL: Parents should contribute to our school’s development by – supporting the Parents’ and Citizens’ Association in all ways possible, joining the canteen roster, and volunteering assistance in whatever way possible.
- THE DECISION-MAKING LEVEL: Parents should endeavour to become involved at times in one of the various committees which guide our school, e.g. Parents’ and Citizens’
Association, School Board or the various sub-committees and task forces that exist from time to time.
Dalmain is an Independent Public School. More than ever parents have an opportunity to “have a say” in the development of their school. Please be involved and make a contribution to our school.
To those parents enrolling their children at our school for the first time, we certainly welcome you and trust that in time you will become involved in our school and contribute to our progress. You will find your involvement is rewarding and appreciated.
Dalmain Primary School is a great school. It is made great by its students, its staff and the community which supports it. Your continued involvement in the partnership will certainly enhance our ongoing success into the future.

Dalmain is committed to providing a caring and inclusive learning environment for its students. Support strategies and programs have been put in place to enhance learning opportunities for all.
- Mini-Lit & Multi-Lit programs
- Increased Specialist programs
- Dalmain Urban Garden and Waste Wise initiatives
- Year 6 School Leadership program and camp
- Greenwood College Enrichment/Transition program
- Meerilinga 3 Year old Transition to Kindergarten connection
- School Instrumental Music Program
- Early Learning Languages Australia (ELLA) Japanese program
- Clubs – Chess, Rubix Cube, Lego
- EduDance program
- Before-school fitness and Interschool Sports
- Buddy Classes
- Chaplaincy
Care, Strive, Achieve encompasses our holistic approach of working together to support and develop every child at Dalmain. We provide a challenging inclusive learning environment where
each child can gain both the academic and life skills needed to
tackle our ever-changing world.
We aim to ensure that students receive the very best care across all areas of their physical, social and mental health. We also inspire a desire to demonstrate care towards ourselves, others and the environment.
We recognise that hard work is necessary to achieve outcomes. The key principles of persistence, optimism, confidence and resilience are encouraged and acknowledged throughout the school.
We value the importance of goal setting, risk taking and self-reflection in order to achieve. We encourage curiosity and inquiry to develop personal motivation. We acknowledge individual and group progress as a positive way in moving forward.